Das RPG |
Jahreszeit:Blattfrische Tageszeit:Monduntergang [16. November 2024] Vollmondnacht!Tageskenntnis:Inzwischen ist deutlich spürbar, dass es wärmer geworden ist. Der Regen hat nachgelassen und in einigen Teilen des Waldes sogar vollständig aufgehört. Während es im Hochland des WindClans und in den nördlicheren Teilen von FlussClan- und DonnerClan-Territorien noch nieselt, ist es im südlichen Teil des Waldes inzwischen um einiges trockener. Die Sonne versteckt sich jedoch noch hinter den Wolken, die nach wie vor den Himmel bedecken und sich nur langsam lichten. Der Erdboden ist nach wie vor feucht und erschwert mitunter die Jagd besonders für unerfahrene Katzen. Auch hat der Regen viele Geruchsspuren weggewaschen, während die Gerüche des Waldes sehr intensiv wahrnehmbar sind. Vor Zweibeinern und Hunden müssen die Katzen sich jetzt wieder ein wenig mehr in Acht nehmen, weil diese sich wieder weiter von ihren Nestern entfernen. Das eine oder andere Hauskätzchen wagt sich vielleicht auch wieder ins Freie. Flüsse und Bäche führen viel Wasser und sind an mehreren Stellen über die Ufer getreten. Die Strömung ist so stark, dass auch erfahrene Katzen Schwierigkeiten bekommen können und unerfahrene oder schlechte Schwimmer sollten sich erst Recht vom Wasser fernhalten. Auch Fischen ist schwierig und der Flut schwemmt Erde, Steine, Pflanzen, Zweige und anderen Schutt mit. Besonders betroffen:FlussClan:Starke Strömung, Fluss ist über die Ufer getreten. DonnerClan:Bäche sind über die Ufer getreten. WindClan:Nieselregen WolkenClan:Kein Regen Territoriums- beschreibungen
| Kurzgeschichten aus der TARDIS | |
| | Autor | Nachricht |
Valley Junges
Avatar von : Iwieselcheni - DeviantArt (Yoma - Offizielles WaCa Forum) Anzahl der Beiträge : 21 Anmeldedatum : 14.03.18 Alter : 24
Dein Krieger Charaktere: Clans: Ränge:
| Thema: Kurzgeschichten aus der TARDIS Mi 14 März 2018, 22:48 | |
| Hello and welcome!Schön, dass du dich hierher verirrt hast, und dir die Zeit nimmst, mal meine Geschichten anzuschauen (: Ich schreibe recht gerne Geschichten, wobei meine Fandoms dabei sehr oft eine Rolle spielen. Zu finden ist deshalb vor Allem Fanfiction von Sherlock, Doctor Who und Marvel, sowie verschiedenen Buchreihen. Leider muss ich zu meinem eigenen Ärgernis sagen, dass mir sehr oft die Ideen für Geschichten fehlen, weshalb ich immer offen für Anregungen und Vorschläge bin, die du gerne hier im Theard posten kannst (: Meine Inspration nehme ich neben den Anregungen von Freunden jedoch auch aus der Musik, da einige Songtexte sehr gut auf bestimmte Charaktere passen. Aber genug geredet, jetzt erstmal die Geschichten (: ______________________________ Zuerst möchte ich gerne die Werke vorstellen, welche ich auf deutsch verfasst habe: Fandom: Marvel | X-Men Beteiligte Charaktere: Logan Howlett, Charles Xavier, Freya Haukkafala (OC) Ships: Freya x Charles - Goodbye:
„Und du bist dir wirklich sicher, dass du das machen willst?“, fragte Logan erneut. Die Arme vor der Brust verkreuzt lehnte er sich an den Türrahmen, während sein Blick aufmerksam ihren Bewegungen folgte. „Natürlich bin ich mir sicher. Ein Job ist ein Job, das solltest du doch wissen“, antwortete die junge Mutantin, als sie die restlichen Klamotten in den Rucksack packte. Der braunhaarige Mann in ihrem Türrahmen zuckte mit den Augenbrauen, was eindeutig seinen Widerwillen gegenüber ihrem Vorhaben ausdrückte, gleichzeitig aber auch eine Erkenntnis preisgab. Er konnte sie nicht aufhalten und das wusste er genau. Freya stämmte die Hände in die Seite, als sie auf ihr Bett sah. „So, ich hoff ich hab nichts vergessen“, sagte die junge Mutantin, bevor sie ihren Blick wieder zu Logan wandte. Ihr Lehrer zeigte auf ihre Frage keinerlei Reaktion, nur sein Blick sprach Bände. Die junge Frau seufzte und trat an ihn heran. „Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ich weggehe“, versuchte sie Logan aufzumuntern, und zauberte ein Lächeln auf ihr Gesicht. Doch die Miene des Mannes vor ihr blieb starr und unergründlich. Freya’s grüne Augen suchten die braunen Logan’s, sodass es für ein paar Momente still im Zimmer blieb. Die beiden sahen sich einfach nur an, es schien wie ein stiller Kampf zu sein, den die beiden, Mentor und Schülerin in ihren Gedanken auszutragen schienen. Schließlich seufzte Logan tief und umarmte die junge Frau. „Das du mir ja zurückkommst“, sprach er die Worte einer Drohung aus, welche jedoch so voll Angst, als auch Sorge waren, dass man sie nicht ernst nehmen konnte. Die rothaarige Frau lächelte. „Keine Angst“, erwiderte sie leise, als sie ihren Kopf kurz auf die Schulter des kräftigen Mannes legte und ihm für einen Moment über den Rücken strich. „Ich bin vielleicht nicht so wie du, aber ein, zwei Sachen hab ich dann doch vom Training mitgenommen“ Während dieses Satzes löste sie sich von Logan, wobei sie ihre rechte Hand noch kurz auf seiner Schulter verweilen ließ, bevor diese hinabglitt, als sie sich umwandte und zurück zum Bett ging. Ihr rechtes Ohr zuckte, als die Halbkatzenmutantin ihre Tasche schulterte und sich zur Tür umdrehte. Logan war indessen aus dem Rahmen getreten, um ihr Platz zu schaffen. Wortlos ging sie an ihn vorbei auf den Gang. Ihr Lehrer folgte ihr im Abstand von ein paar Schritten, als sie die Treppen hinunter lief, die zur Eingangshalle der Schule führten. Ihre grünen Augen fuhren jede Kante des Gebäudes noch einmal ab, sie versuchte sich so viel wie möglich von dem zu merken was sie sah. Auch wenn sie bereits länger hier lebte, waren ihr das Meiste des großen Geländes und auch ein Großteil des Hauses immer noch fremd. Sacht glitten ihre Finger über das Holzgeländer, als sie die letzte Stufe der Treppe nahm, welche auf dem erste Plateau endete. Ihre linke Hand um den Träger ihres Rucksackes gelegt, während die rechte frei in der Luft hing, atmete sie tief ein. Der Duft des Hauses erfüllte ihre Lungen, und rief all diese Erinnerungen hervor. Wie sie zum allerersten Mal hier gestanden hatte, nachdem sie wieder einmal davon gelaufen war, die Flucht ergriffen hatte. Ihr erster Tag an der neuen Schule, wo sie so viel nachzuholen hatte, was sie damals mit ihrem schnellstmöglichem Abschluss nicht hatte lernen können. Die eine Nacht, in der sie sich hier tatsächlich mal verlaufen und Logan sie aufgesammelt hatte. Bei dem Gedanken daran musste sie schmunzeln, dennoch mischte sich auch etwas Wehmut und auch Schuld in ihre Gefühle. Sie schuldete Logan sehr viel mehr, als dass sie jemals begleichen könnte und ihn nun im Stich zu lassen, war ihm gegenüber nicht fair. Freya senkte den Kopf und blinzelte. Vielleicht sollte sie doch nicht gehen. Logan kannte den Krieg bereits, hatte ihn unzählige Male miterlebt. Sie nicht. Kaum sichtbar drehte sie den Kopf nach rechts, als sie dir Schritte schwerer Schuhe auf den Holzstufen vernahm, den Blick noch immer gen Boden gerichtet. „Logan…ich weiß nicht ob…“, begann sie unsicher, im Versuch Worte zu finden, die ihre Gedanken beschreiben sollten, welche ihr jedoch einfach fehlten. Einen Augenblick lang war es still, bevor das Geräusch der Schritte wieder einsetzte. Keine Sekunde später spürte die Mutantin eine Hand auf ihrer Schulter, welche sie sanft, aber beständig in Richtung unten führte. Freya gab den Druck nach, und ging langsamen Schrittes den letzten Teil der Treppe nach unten. Dort drehte Logan sie so, dass sie ihn ansehen musste. „Hör zu“, sagte er. „Ich mag vielleicht mit deiner Entscheidung nicht glücklich sein, doch sie deswegen aufzugeben, ist keine Lösung“ Der Mann bückte sich ein Stück um mit ihr auf einer Augenhöhe zu sein. „Du kannst auf andere hören, aber du musst deinen Weg finden“ Logan’s Stimme war fest und überzeugt, als er sprach, wobei er seine Hand auch nicht von ihrer Schulter nahm. Er sah ihr fest in die Augen, er wollte ihr den Halt geben, ihre Entscheidung durchzuziehen. Dann begann Freya langsam zu nicken. „Ok“, sagte sie leise. Als der Mutant vor ihr sich wieder aufrichten wollte, legte sie jedoch ihre Hand auf seine Schulter. „Logan, du musst mir noch etwas versprechen“ Kurz zog der ältere Mutant die Augenbrauen zusammen, bevor er in einem fragenden Ton ein „Und das wäre?“ herausbrachte. Freya biss sich kurz auf die Unterlippe, unterließ es aber sofort wieder, als ihr klar wurde, dass sie sich mit ihren spitzen Raumtierzähnen nur wehtun würde. „Auf meinem Schreibtisch“, wisperte sie dann leise, und machte eine Pause, bevor sie weitersprach. „Auf meinem Schreibtisch liegt ein Brief“ Ihre Augen hatten die ihres Lehrers und Freundes fest fixiert. „Wenn mir irgendwas passiert, will ich, dass du ihn Charles gibst“ Überrascht wurden Logans Augen größer, doch Freya behielt ihn unbeirrt im Blick. „Er kann damit machen was er will, aber ich will, dass er ihn hat“, wiederholte sie ihre Worte. Ihr Mentor sah sie einen Augenblick an, bevor er nickte. „Werde ich machen“, versprach er. Dann richtete er sich wieder auf, sein Blick war fest auf einen Punkt hinter Freyas Rücken gerichtet. „Komm ich ungelegen?“, ertönte eine Stimme hinter dem Rücken, der Rothaarigen, welche sich ebenfalls umwandte. Charles blickte aus einiger Entfernung zu den beiden hinüber, er traute sich wohl nicht näher heranzukommen. Freya atmete kurz durch. „Ganz und gar nicht“, antwortete sie dann, als der junge Professor seinen Rollstuhl in Bewegung setzte, und zu ihnen hinüberkam. Freya blickte auf Charles hinab, welcher wiederrum zu ihr aufsah. Ihr Blick glitt über sein Gesicht, registrierte jede kleine Unebenheit, jede Falte und jedes Detail seines Aussehens. All dies dauerte keine Sekunde, trotzdem war es für eine Minute lang still in der Eingangshalle der Schule. Freya war an den Augen des jungen Professor hängen geblieben, welche für die junge Frau eine einzige, große Faszination darstellten. Sie war beeindruckt, von diesem durchdringenden, milden Blau, was einen glauben ließ, er würde direkt durch eine andere Person hindurchschauen und sehen können, was man dachte. Sie hatten einen Ausdruck, den selbst sie, mit ihren kreativen Fähigkeiten nur schwer zu Papier bringen konnte. Wie auch in seinen anderen Zügen, lag etwas Strenges und auch Unerbittliches darin, das Sture, was sie von ihren vielen Diskussionen kannte. Doch neben dieser Strenge, lag gleichauf eine Sanftheit und ein Träumerisches, wie sie es glaubte noch nie in einer anderen Person gesehen zu haben. Dieser Wunsch, das Unmögliche Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen und fest an etwas zu glauben. Jedes Mal, wenn sie ihm in die Augen sah, hatte die junge Mutantin das Gefühl, in diesem verträumten Blau ertrinken zu können und dafür wäre ihr nichts zu schade. Für eine kurze Zeit schien die Welt stillzustehen, als die beiden sich ansahen. Und keiner der beiden hatte das Bedürfnis den Blickkontakt zu unterbrechen, nicht einmal den Drang einander etwas zu sagen. Es hätte sicher ewig noch so weitergehen können, wenn Logan sich nicht geräuspert hätte. „Ich nehme an, sie wollten sich verabschieden, Professor“ Charles blinzelte ein paar Mal, was Freya ihm gleichtat, als sie sich aus der Tranche lösten. „Natürlich“, antwortete der junge Rollstuhlfahrer auf Logans Worte, als er erneut den Kopf hob, um Freya anzusehen. „Ich wollte dir viel Glück wünschen und hoffe, dass wir uns in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wiedersehen“ Die junge Frau versuchte ein Lächeln auf ihre Lippen zu legen, was ihr auch gelang. Doch innerlich, wollte sie am liebsten beginnen zu weinen. „Danke“, erwiderte sie freundlich die Worte des jungen Professors. Als Charles ihr seine Hand entgegen streckte, ging sie jedoch nicht darauf ein. Einen Moment lang hielt er sich noch erhoben, bevor sie ihren ganzen Mut zusammennahm, und sich zu ihm hinunterbeugte, ihm die Arme um den Hals legte, und ihn umarmte. Einen Moment lang passierte gar nichts, bevor Freya spürte, wie Charles vorsichtig seine Arme um sie legte. Die Angespanntheit seines Körpers konnte sie ganz deutlich spüren, er schien von ihrem Schritt sehr überrascht zu sein, was sie ihm auch nicht verübeln konnte. Für einen Herzschlag lang, lagen seine Arme locker auf ihrem Rücken auf, bevor sie merkte, wie er sie leicht zu sich heranzog. Auch sie legte sie Arme ein wenig fester um ihn und schloss für einen Moment die Augen, während sie seinen Duft einatmete. Wenn das hier wirklich die letzte Möglichkeit für lange Zeit sein sollte, wollte sie diese auch nutzen. Sie spürte, wie er mit dem Daumen leicht über ihr Shirt strich und konnte ein leichtes Lächeln nicht unterdrücken, doch im gleichem Atemzug löste sich eine Träne in ihrem Augenwinkel und verlor sich in den Haaren des Professors. Sie würde ihn vermissen, sehr sogar. Einige Augenblicke hielt die Umarmung an, bevor sie sich vorsichtig wieder von Charles löste. Allerdings spürte sie auch den Widerstand, den seine Arme ihr entgegen brachten. Er wollte sich aus dieser Umarmung anscheinend nicht wirklich freiwillig lösen, doch er musste. Freya richtete sich auf, während ihr Blick weiter dem des jungen Mannes vor ihr inne hatte. Sie konnte ihm ansehen, dass er nicht wollte, dass sie ging, auch wenn er versuchte es zu verbergen. Sie wandte den Kopf ab. Ihr war klar, dass sie diesem Blick nicht lange würde standhalten können. Die junge Halbkatzenmutantin atmete tief durch, bevor sie erneut sprach. „Dann macht’s mal gut…ihr ruf euch ganz sicher mal an“, versuchte sie ein paar fröhliche Worte zu sagen, welche jedoch nicht den gewünschten Effekt hatten. Dann herrschte kurz Stille, bevor Freya sich umwandte und zu Tür ging. Ihre Schritte hallten von den Wänden wieder, als sie kurz nachdem sie die Schwelle übertreten hatte, noch einmal stehen blieb und sich umsah. Logan und Charles standen nebeneinander und sahen ihr nach. Leicht ob sie die Hand zu einem letzten Gruß, bevor sie sich abdrehte.
Charles sah ihr noch so lange nach, bis sie in das bereitstehende Auto gestiegen war. Als auch dies verschwunden war, schob er sich bis zum Eingang und blieb mit dem Rollstuhl auf der Terrasse stehen. Sein Blick war auf das Tor gerichtet, welches sich inzwischen wieder geschlossen hatte. Zitternd atmete der junge Professor ein, als er die Handflächen gegeneinander legte, seine Finger kurz unter der Nasenspitze an das Gesicht legte und die Augen schloss. Er war überrascht gewesen, von ihrer Umarmung, aber er hatte sie ebenso wenig missen wollen, wie ihren Duft, von dem er für wenige Sekunden einen Eindruck hatte gewinnen können. Er würde sie vermissen. Er würde sie sehr vermissen.
- Love is a battlefield:
Sie rannte. Sie rannte so schnell sie konnte. Ihre Füße krachten auf dem Boden auf, sie gab sich keine Mühe ihre Schritte abzufedern, bevor sie auf der Erde auftrafen. Es durfte nicht wahr sein, es durfte einfach nicht wahr sein, was man ihr erzählt hatte. Warum war er hergekommen? Dieser verdammte Idiot, warum hatte er nicht einfach Zuhause warten können. „Nein, Mr. Wichtig muss sich ja überall einmischen!“, knurrte die junge Frau wütend, als sie mit der linken Hand einen Angreifer aus dem Weg stieß. Der Mann ging ohne einen weiteren Laut zu Boden, während die junge Mutantin weiterstürmte. Ein einziges Mal hätte er auf sie hören können, nur dieses eine Mal, hätte er seinen Dickkopf nicht durchsetzen müssen. Ihre grünen Augen suchten das Schlachtfeld ab, wo es an allen Ecken rauchte und brannte. Langsam mischte sich in ihre Wut auch Panik. Sie musste ihn finden, so schnell es irgend möglich war. Er war wehrlos gegen die ganzen Waffen. Ihr Blick verharrte auf einem metallischen Glänzen, das sich in der sporadisch hervorschauenden Sonne zeigte. Ihre Augen weiteten sich. „Nein…“ Sie rannte los, stolperte ein paar Mal über Dinge, die sie in ihrer Eile nicht sah. Eigentlich nahm sie den Boden, über den sie lief, nicht einmal wahr. Ihre ganze Aufmerksamkeit galt dem Glänzen, was sich allerdings nicht noch einmal gezeigt hatte. Erneut stolperte sie, diesmal über ein größeres Trümmerstück, doch diesmal schaffte sie es nicht rechtzeitig sich abzufangen. Ein stechender Schmerz schoss ihren Knöchel hinauf, als sie abknickte. Ein wütendes Zischen entfloh ihrem Mund. „Scheiße!“, fluchte sie laut, doch ihre Aufmerksamkeit wurde im nächsten Moment schon wieder von ihrem Schmerzen losgerissen. Keine zwei Meter von ihr entfernt lag ein Rollstuhl. Er war zur Seite gekippt und sah an vielen Stellen sehr ramponiert aus, aber es war ohne Zweifel seiner, das große X an der Seite der Räder war unverkennbar. „Nein“ Die junge Frau drückte sich nach oben. Der Schmerz in ihrem Knöchel schien zu verschwinden, als sie ihre Hände auf das kalte Metall legte. „Nein, nein, nein“ Es war also wahr, er war hier. Dieser verdammte Idiot! Ihr Kopf schnellte von einer Seite zur anderen. Er musste hier irgendwo sein. Ohne den Rollstuhl kam er nicht weit. Er musste hier sein. Und wenn sie ihn fanden, würden sie kurzen Prozess mit ihm machen. Er war doch so wehrlos, ohne seinen ganzen Kram. Ihr ganzer Körper zitterte. Ob nun aus unterdrückter Wut, oder Angst wusste sie nicht zu sagen. Denn sie hatte Angst, natürlich hatte sie Angst. Sie hatte Angst um ihn, Angst, dass er sein Leben verlieren konnte. Um sein Leben hatte sie sogar noch mehr Angst als um das ihre. „Charles?“ Ihre Stimme hallte durch die Trümmer, die einmal ein Gebäude gewesen waren. „Charles, wo bist du?“ Inzwischen war die Panik in ihren Worten deutlich zu hören. Dieser Idiot, dieser verdammte Idiot! „Dieser mäusehirnige Idiot…Charles!“ Ein Hustenanfall erschütterte ihren Körper, als sie sich durch Staub und Trümmer kämpfte. Er musste hier irgendwo sein, er musste einfach. Wenn nicht dann bedeutete das…bedeutete es das… Die junge Mutantin hob den Kopf. Nein, nein, dass durfte nicht sein. Sie durften hin nicht bekommen, sie hatten ihn nicht vor ihr gefunden. Ihr Blick flog panisch von einem Haufen zum anderen, als die wahllos Steine und andere Trümmerteile aus dem Weg kickte, oder mit den Händen packte und wegwarf, in der Hoffnung irgendeinen Hinweis zu finden. Irgendetwas was sie zu ihm führen würde. Je länger sie suchte, desto verzweifelter wurden ihre Bemühungen. Ein Wimmern entfloh ihrer Kehle, als sie ein Stück Holz auf dem Weg trat. „Nichts, nichts und wieder nichts!“ Deutlich war ihre Verzweiflung zu spüren, als sie innehielt. Dort wo sie das Holzstück weggeräumt hatte, lag ein Stück Stoff. Aber nicht irgendein Stück, es war einst Teil einer Hose gewesen. Und diesen Jeansstoff kannte die Mutantin sehr genau. Ihr Schweif peitschte wild nach rechts und links, als sie den bläulich-grauen Fetzen aufhob. „Nein, das darf nicht…Charles!“ Ihre Augen füllten sich mit Tränen, als sie den Stoff fallen ließ. „Charles, wo bist du?“ Er musste hier sein, er musste einfach. Stocksteif blieb sie stehen, während ihr Ruf in den Ruinen verklang. Das Herz hämmerte so sehr gegen ihre Rippen, das es wehtat, als sie sich zwang den Blick so langsam und gründlich wie möglich über ihr Umfeld wandern zu lassen. Eigentlich wollte sie lieber schreien, am allerliebsten in sein Gesicht, was für ein Idiot er doch war, einfach hier aufzukreuzen, was für eine Scheiß-Idee das gewesen war. Er war von ihnen beiden doch der mit dem Professor-Titel, man sollte auch meinen, dass er der Klügere von ihnen beiden war. Anscheinend doch nicht Der Unterkiefer der jungen Frau begann zu zittern, als sie weiter den Blick schweifen ließ und nichts sah, außer Staub, Schutt und Asche. Und eine Hand. Eine Hand, zu der ein Arm gehörte. „Charles!“ Ihr Ruf schallte von den vielen, kleinen und flachen Oberflächen wieder, als sie durch den Schutt auf ihn zu stolperte. Ihr Atem ging nur unregelmäßig, sie schnappte nach Luft, im Versuch sich nicht anmerken zu lassen, dass sie weinte. Sie kraxelte über einen Schutthaufen und dann sah sie ihn. An seiner Schläfe war ein Blutrinnsal zu erkennen, er hatte sich anscheinend irgendwo den Kopf angestoßen. Seine Kleidung war teilweise zerrissen, die Augen hatte er geschlossen. Ein Schluchzen erfuhr ihrer Kehle, als sie zu ihm hinunter stürzte. „Du verdammter Idiot…“, spuckte sie die Worte aus, die sie schon die ganze Zeit hatte sagen wollen, doch ihre Tränen erstickte Stimme versagte, als sie versuchte mehr Worte zu finden. Ihr Blick glitt seinen Körper nach unten und im nächsten Moment sah sie, was ihn hier festhielt. Sein rechter Fuß hatte sich zwischen den Metallstreben eines Pfeiles verhakt. Doch wie sollte sie ihn da raus bekommen? Die Frage die sie eigentlich am meisten beschäftigen sollte, doch sie schaffte es nicht ihre Konzentration darauf zu lenken. Sie beugte sie über Charles und schlug ihm mit der Hand leicht auf die Wange. „Wach auf Charles“ Als der junge Mann unter ihr keine Reaktion zeigte, wurden ihre Schläge fester und die Stimme, vor offensichtlicher Panik, immer höher. „Du musst aufwachen! Komm schon, wir müssen nach hause…“ Ihre Augen begannen wieder zu tränen. Noch immer keine Reaktion. „Jetzt mach endlich, du…du…“ Sie fand keine Worte mehr, aber der letzte Schlag saß. Die Augen des Professors flatterten. „Aua“, sagte er mit rauer Stimme und lächelte sie dann leicht an. „Wir hatten doch ausgemacht, dass du mich nicht mehr schlägst“ Ein Seufzer der Erleichterung entfloh ihrer Kehle, als sie ihre Hand an seine Wange legte. „Du bist ein Idiot“ Das Lächeln des jungen Mannes wurde breiter. „Bin ich das?“ Die junge Frau schüttelte leicht den Kopf. Wie konnte er so gut drauf sein? „Ja, ja das bist du, du verdammter Idiot und Idioten darf ich schlagen“ – „Auch wenn der Idiot dich liebt?“ Charles hob eine Augenbraue, als er sie ansah. Freya konnte ein leises Lachen nicht unterdrücken. Er sah einfach zu komisch aus, wenn er das tat. „Ganz besonders dann“ Sie sah ihm in die Augen. „Was machst du hier? Ich hatte doch gesagt, das geht dich nichts an“ – „Ich kann doch nicht einfach zuhause sitzen bleiben, wenn meine Freundin in den Kampf zieht“, meinte er lächelnd. Freya hätte ihm am liebsten noch einmal eine links und rechts für dieses dumme Lächeln verpasst. „Du weißt doch wie saugefährlich es hier draußen ist“ Bei der Erwähnung, dass sie sich draußen befanden, schien Charles wieder in die Wirklichkeit zurückzukommen. Sein Körper verkrampfte sie und er zog scharf Luft ein, welche er keine Sekunde später wieder druckartig ausstieß. „Mein Kopf…“ – „Ich weiß“, sagte die junge Mutantin und ihre Stimme klang plötzlich sehr sanft. „Bleib liegen“ Ihre Stimme war noch immer ruhig, als sie zu seinem eingeklemmten Fuß rutschte und ihn so vorsichtig wie möglich zu lösen versuchte, was ihr jedoch nicht gelang. Sie betrachtete sich die ganze Angelegenheit noch einmal genauer, bis sie es erkannte. Es war nur sein Schuh, der sich nicht aus den Stäben lösen ließ. Erfreut knotete sie die Schnürsenkel auf, als sie plötzlich von hinten unterbrochen wurde. „Hey, was, was machst du da?“ Charles richtete sich hinter ihr zum Sitzen auf, was ihm jedoch nicht ohne ein scherzhaftes Einziehen der Atemluft gelang. Freya wandte ihm ihren Blick zu. „Du musst dich entscheiden, Schuh, oder Fuß“ Der Professor sah sie einen Moment lang an. „Geht auch beides?“, fragte er dann und legte den Kopf schief. Die Mutantin warf ihm einen vernichtenden Blick zu, was ihn nur erneut zum Lächeln brachte. „War nur Spaß“, sagte er mit einer honigsüßen Stimme, doch sein Schmerz war deutlich herauszuhören. „Weg mit dem verdammten Ding“ Vorsichtig zog sie seinen Fuß aus dem Schuh, der im selben Moment auf den Boden fiel, dort wo man in nicht mehr aus den Metallstreben herausholen konnte. Langsam setzte sie den Fuß auf den Boden, bevor sie den Blick wieder hob. „Du hättest nicht herkommen dürfen“, sagte sie dann erneut und klang diesmal sehr ernst. Charles drehte den Kopf zur Seite und atmete etwas gepeinigt aus, während er den Boden betrachtete. „Ich weiß…“ Nach seinen Worten blieb eine lange Pause, in der sie ihn ansah, er hingegen nur auf den Boden starrte. Dann hob er langsam den Kopf und Freya musste sich sehr zusammenreißen, damit ihr bei dem Blick in seinen Augen nicht erneut die Tränen kamen. „Ich hab es einfach nicht mehr ausgehalten.“ Der junge Professor atmete seufzend aus. „Ich kann es einfach nicht ertragen, immerzu von dir getrennt zu sein“ Freya wandte ihren Blick von seinem Gesicht ab. „Glaubst du mir fällt das leicht, aber das ist nunmal mein Job als S.H.I.E.L.D-Agent“ – „Angehender S.H.I.E.L.D-Agent“, verbesserte Charles sie, was sie wieder dazu brachte zu ihm aufzusehen. „Ob in der Ausbildung oder bereits mit Prüfung in der Tasche, der Kampf wird immer meine Hauptaufgabe sein“ Charles blinzelte. „Wir hatten doch darüber geredet, dass du dich versetzten lassen wolltest“ Freya nickte. „Ich weiß worüber wir gesprochen haben, aber…müssen wir das ausgerechnet jetzt klären?“ Ein leichtes Lächeln erschien auf dem Gesicht des jungen Mutanten. „Ja, ist vielleicht gerade etwas ungünstig“ Die rothaarige Frau erhob sich, nur um wenige Sekunden später wieder in die Hocke zu gehen. „Komm“, sagte sie leise, als sie Charles mit der einen Hand unter die Beine fuhr, während er ihr seine Arme um den Hals legte. Vorsichtig hob sie ihn hoch und sah ihn einen Moment lang an. „Lass uns gehen“, antwortete er sanft, senkte kurz den Blick, bevor er noch ergänzte: „Es tut mir leid“ Freya sah ihn einen Augenblick lang an, bevor sie ihm einen Kuss auf die Wange gab. „Wir alle machen verrückte Sachen. Und genau deswegen liebe ich dich“ Ein leichtes Lächeln stahl sich auf ihr Lippen, als sie den letzten Satz flüsterte. „Du verdammter Idiot“
~~~~~ Werk: Hamlet Beteilige Charaktere: Hamlet, Horatio Ships: Hamratio (or however this ship is called) - ab Akt 3, Szene 1 (Z. 1773):
(Hamlet geht den Gang entlang; bleibt stehen, schlägt sich die Hände vors Gesicht)
HAMLET: Was hab ich nur getan? Verstoßen hab ich sie, allein ihrer Hilflosigkeit überlassen. Oh Sünderherz, wie kannst du nur weiter in meiner Brust schlagen, als sei nichts gewesen? Wie kann ich noch leben, wo sie innerlich stirbt, zerrissen vor Schmerz? Doch still, ich hör Schritte. He, wer ist da?
(Horatio auf)
HOARTIO: Mein Prinz, ich sucht euch schon! Sagt, wo wart ihr gewesen?
HAMLET: Hier und da, und bei Ophelia. Oh, Ophelia. Horatio, ich konnts ihr nicht sagen. Ich konnte nicht vor ihr stehen und es sprechen wie verabredet. Sie denkt, der Wahnsinn treibt ich um; besser ist‘s vielleicht. Horatio, hilf. Hilf mein Freund, mein Bruder, mein Geliebter!
HORATIO: (indem der Hamlet die Hände an die Wangen legt) Oh Hamlet, was soll ich groß dazutun? Ist‘s nicht besser, dass sie denkt, dass Wahnsinn dich ergriffen hat?
HAMLET: Ob’s nicht selbst Wahnsinn ist, was wir tun, Horatio? Geht es nicht gegen jede Regel der Vernunft und des Allmächtigen? Sags mir Horatio!
HORATIO: Hamlet, Geliebter mein, wenn der Herr gegen uns ist, wie kann er uns dann zusammengeführt haben? Hätt ers nicht von vorn ‘rein unterbunden, dass wie einander verfallen, wie Zeus dem Jüngling Ganymed und nun aneinander gebunden sind, wie Wind und Meer? Hör mich an. Ein gütiger Gott verurteilt keines seiner Geschöpfte, hört doch mein Prinz. Wir sind nicht Sünde.
(indem er Hamlet einen Kuss auf die Lippen drückt)
HAMLET: Horatio…Horatio nicht…
HORATIO: Halmet, sieh doch die Wahrheit. Das Schicksal führt‘ uns zusammen und ist nun unser beider Weg. Ich bitt euch, mein Prinz…
(sehen einander an, nähren sich einander, teilen einen langen Kuss)
HAMLET: Lass mich du nicht auch noch mit dem Schicksal zuzwein. Es kostet mich sonst die Kehle…
HORATIO: Ich wird bei euch sein, mein Prinz. Ich schwöre bei meinem Leben.
(greift Hamlets Hand dabei fest)
HAMLET: Auch wenn mein Troja fällt; du wirst bis zum Ende kämpfen. Mein Bruder, im Kampf, wie im Geiste. Doch wend dich nicht von meiner Schwester ab, die ich so begehre wie dich.
HORATIO: Ich versprechs, mein Prinz…
(küsst Hamlets Hand, sieht ihn an)
HAMLET: (streicht Horatio über die Wange) Geliebter, bitte…lass mich nun frei…meine Gedanken sind wirr, mein Kopf voll von Nebel…es muss sich klären…die Schauspieler warten. Es muss gespielt werden, heute noch!
HORATIO: Geh mein Prinz, geh. Ich werde eure Abwesenheit entschuldigen.
HAMLET: Gedankt sei’s dir, Horatio.
(Hamlet küsst seine Stirn; Hamlet ab)
HORATIO: Welch unerträglich Schicksal meinem Prinzen doch wiederfahren ist! Erst verlässt sein Vater diese Welt; ein unerhörter Mord und der Mörder ist nun selbst der König! Schande über alle, die dieser Verruchtheit Tür und Tor öffnen, und sie mit weiten Armen empfangen! Polonius; dieser Kriecher. Eine Schnecke mit einer unerträglichen Spur aus Schleimerei und Eitelkeit, die einen Wendehals hat, wie eine Eule und im Charakter einem Kuckuck gleicht. Lässt blutschänd‘rische Ehe geschehen und vertritt’s vor dem Allmächtigen! Herr, hör! Wenn du dieses versuchte Lager der Krone lässt, warum kann meine Verbundenheit zu Hamlet meiner Seele schaden, die nur Ehrliches und Gutes für ihn zu empfinden vermag, und doch sich verstecken muss, wie Herakles bei der Diane? Himmel, warum bist du so ungerecht auf dieser Welt? Sparst du die Gerechtigkeit fürs Paradiese auf? Dort hin mag ich freilich gern kommen, doch lieber zu früh. Und wenn ichs dabei verfehl, mags nur recht mir sein, zu brennen und wandeln dort drunten, als zu vergehen hier, mit einem Herzen, zerrissen zwischen Liebe zu Hamlet, und zu dir, Gott. Oh, sag mir doch, was ich vermag für dich zu tun, dass du mich nimmst, wie ich bin! Denn reicht es nicht, wenn mein Prinz bereits den Wahnsinn gibt? Ich will nicht in Wahrheit ihm verfallen, denn verfallen bin ich genug. S’ist spät schon. Schnell, das Schauspiel will beginnen, wenn die rote Stunde naht. Eilen wird ich, doch Zeit ist wenig.
______________________________ Durch einige internationale Freundschaften kam es auch zu einigen englischen Geschichten, die du hier erkunden kannst: Fandom: Sherlock (BBC) Beteilige Charaktere: Jim Moriarty, Cathy Scott (OC) Ships: Scottiarty - Murder Song:
Murder Song I'm standing on a lonely street, rain is pouring. He holds a gun against my head, the cold of the metal at my brow. I'm afraid. I know that it would take nothing to pull the trigger and end my life. His eyes are fixed on me. He's waiting, but I don't know for what. The more he waits, the bigger becomes my fear. The cold gun at my skin, feels like it freezes my brain. I can't think, I just feel. The fear, the despair, the pain of knowing that I'm going to die. My hands are shakeing, the knife lies down at the ground. It fell down, when he appered. His finger at the trigger, he steps at my side, just a few centimeters are between us. He leans over to my ear. »I'll all be over soon«, he whispers, I can hear the fun in his voice. He is making fun of me, because I'm afraid and he isn't. Why he should be? I swollow my fear. »It won't«, I whisper back. »Killing me will not bring you anything at all« I don't know why, but he chuckles. He is a psycho, I'm very sure. But I like him, I adore him. He's perfect in every way. I'm in love with a psychopath, a serial killer. And I don't regret anything, because everything I've done, everything I've worked for, was just preparation. Preparation for this moment. I know that it is my fade to die from his gun. To let him shoot me in my head. But why it is so hard to let it all go? I close my eyes. »Do it«, I whisper. I'm not ready, but who would? I wait, I hear the rain, my breath, his breath. And, finally, a click. Nothing happens, when I slowly open my eyes. The cold at my brow had disappered. I look down. His gun lays at my feet. And suddendly I know, that it is empty. He didn't want to kill me. He wanted to play with my mind, making me dance. And I like it, when he does that. I love when I'm his helpless victim. And I know, that he knows that too. I raise my head. He stands at the end of the street, smiling his smile, like he always does to his victims. My eyes meet his. I don't know why I'm alive. I see the satisfied look in his eyes, he loves it, he loves to play. »No«, he answers, still smiling. »I need you« I don't know what he is talking about. I can't move, it is like his eyes paralysed me. He turns his back at me. »See you next time, my dear« His goodbye was happy, his voice full of joy. He walks away. I'm still there looking at the direction he used, when he leaves. Then I bend down, and take the gun. The metal was shiny and of silver color. I stare at it, knowing, that he would come back to get his gun. And to get me, because I'm his victim. The one, with a deadly gun, the one, that his game was made for. And I know, that he loves to play. He loves to play me...
- Gun:
I waited for him. Hours, days, weeks. Never saw him, never got a text, nothing. I didn't know what I waited for. But his gun was still there, where I put it. And I knew that he will come to get it back. One day, I set on the window, looking outside, watching the pouring rain. It is London, so I know rain. As often, I took the gun, he gave to me this rainy day in the street. Turning it in my hands, I look at the shiny metal, which feels cold and smooth in my hands. Why did he leave it behind? As a gift? For me? Or just as a reminder, that he is still after me? I don't know. But what I know is, that its probably the most dangerous gift anyone ever gave to me. But he is not just anyone. He is a psychopath, that's for sure. Is it just a game? I don't know... The calming noise of the rain on the window made me sleepy. Like a little, soft drum the drops hit the glass. It was something on it, something hypnotizing, something calming. I like rain. I like to watch it fall down. Like a little concert on my window. Just for me. The rain let me forget about my anxious thinking, let the gun fade away from my mind. But why it was suddenly so cold on my nape? I felt a movement, sliding down my skin and the hair at my nape raised up. My first intention was to scream, but a hand sneaked over my mouth, I felt a warm breath next to my ear. "Shh...its all fine..." His voice was soft and calm, I could hear the grin it it. My heart started pounding, my puls quickens, feeling his hand slide around my waist to my belly, slowly and soft. "You knew that I would come for you, didn't you?", he whispered near my ear, his hot breath hit my skin and it felt like a burning flame. I nodded slightly, feeling his hand on my jaw, when he moved his hand down from my mouth, his thumb softly pulled down my bottom lip for a moment. His touch made me shiver. I was afraid. And just loved to be. "You know...you can talk honey...", he cooed amused, when his hand slid away from my waist. My eyes followed his hand, as he took the gun. "I knew you would keep it..." The cold barrel of the gun slid along my cheek, leaving a freezing feeling, where it touched my skin. Turning my head I followed the movement, but suddenly his grip on my jaw went steady. I didn't want to struggle against it. He would hurt me, without a second thought. The risk was to high. His touch forced me to look straight out of the window into the rain, when I felt his hand on my shoulder again, slowly sliding down to my waist, just like he did before. My body strains, but I try ro stay calm, I can her my fast puls in my ears. "Of course...I kept it...", I finally whispered, answering his question. I heard a chuckle behind me, feeling his hand moving down my body just a little bit more. "I knew you would...I think I begin to understand, why Johnnyboy likes you so much..." I gasp for breath, surprised and shocked. It was not a secret that John and I were very close, almost like siblings, but nothing more. Did he want to say, that John felt more towards me? I felt his hot breath next to my ear again, and his chuckle went even more mocking. "We..." - "Hush!", he suddenly ordered and I closed my mouth immediatly. "Hussh...", he repeated very soft and smooth. "Don't speak..." I felt his nose slid along my skin, between my eye and ear, down to my jawbone. A shiver ran down my face, where his nose touched it. I tryed to turn my head again, but his hand was still on the other side of my jaw and stooped me, softer this time. "Don't rush it dearie...we'll have enough time to talk another day...", he cooed, obviously enjoying the control he had over me. Suddenly I felt his hand on my waist, with moved over to my belly, as his other hand pulled dowm my hair slowly, to reach my neck. I just let it happen and close my eyes, my shaky breath insnc with my racing heartbeat. His lips touched my neck, sliding along my skin, I felt his breath. "Unfortunatly I need to go now honey...", he wispered after a few moments, his mouth still near my neck, when he suddenly gently bit into my skin. I gasped surprised, he just chuckled. "Take this as a friendly warning...my dear...", he whsipered near my ear. "I will come for you...I. Owe. You." His words sent a shiver down my spine, when the heat of his breath next to my ear disappeared. I immediatly turned around, but the flat was empty, besides a apple on the floor. A dark red apple, untouched, besides an I and a U, with had been cut out of it. Between that, the apple wasn't touched. Enough place for a bite, just like he did with Sherlock once. But this time with me. But the great game was over...what was this now? Is it just a game? I don't know...
~~~~~ Fandom: Doctor Who Beteiligte Charaktere: Der 10te Doctor, Cathy Brown (OC) Ships: TenCat (indirekt, da Vater-Tocher-Beziehung) - Death Dream:
Story includes Spoilers from Doctor Who; season 4, episode 18 "The End of Time - part 2"
Nightmares are just Nightmares, they happen, you are scared, but you forget them over time. Just dreams. Stroys you mind made up. But sometimes you just know, that dreams tell you more, then just that you mind went wild...
Soundtrack: A Lot Of Life Behind Us Primrose
She woke up, her forehead covered in sweat, her chest rose up and down in heavily breathing, when she stared through the dark. Her hands where clamped into the bedcovers, formed into fists, she could feel her own nails digging into her skin through the white fabric. The room felt hot and smelled of sweat, which was soaked into the sheets. She sat there, her lower lip trembling, before suddenly a sob escaped her throat. Her nose curled, when her head fell forward that her chin touched her chest, while she pulled her knees up, hugging herself, that she was curled into a little ball, her shoulders twitching, when she continued to sob, a quiet, little noise in the deep darkness of the room. The young lady leaned against the wall, her shoulders moving up and down quickly, her eyes where growing warmer with every tear she shred and every one of them was followed by, at least, two more. Everything in her vision was blurred, but not just because of the tears. Her mind was shattered with flashbacks of her nightmare.
He was standing there on a lonely street, snow was falling down everywhere around him. Hiding his face in the shadows, he spoke up to a young woman with blonde hair. “What year is this?” The young blonde scoffed. “Blimey, how much have you had? 2005, January the first” The man looked at the woman for a moment. “2005” he repeated, and the woman nodded, smiling lightly. ”Tell you what.” He nodded, pressing his lips together for a second. “I bet you’re going to have a great year!” The woman smiled brightly, then turned her back on him and left. He smiled for another moment, before he suddenly flinched, and groaned in pain.
Her head was rested against the wall, which cooled down her skin, but the tears running down, made her cheeks heat up, the drops tickling on her jaw, while they flooded down slowly. She was tempted to just wipe them away and just forget about everything, all what she had seen, but she couldn’t move a single muscle. Her body seemed to be blocked, frozen in the state of incredulity, when she gasped, breathing out, and her whole body shaking in heavily spasm. Has that been real? Cause it felt real, much more real than a normal dream. Like a thing she could actually touch…
He held onto the wall, when his body was flinching from another cramp, which went through it like a bullet, painful and pungent, making him groan again. The pain went down from his chest into the center of his stomach, where it seemed to explode, spreading out over his whole body, making him feel it in every single cell. He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in deeply, exhaling slowly into the cold air of the winter’s night, leaving little clouds in the bleak breeze. He looked past a corner, blinking, when his vision blurred up again, his eyes unintentionally trying to shred tears, dealing bare the agony inside of him. His glance went over to the blue box, the windows lit up brightly, glowing in the dark, alongside with the letters and the light on top. That was his destination. His home…
Her pupils dilated in der dark, she closed her eyes, when suddenly a beam of light gleamed into her room, when someone opened her door quietly, making sure not to wake her up, while doing it. The beam went bigger, when the door was opened further, a brown-haired man peeking in, his eyebrows rose up when he saw her, sitting on her bed. “Hey…” he said softly. “I thought you were sleepin’…” She lifted her head up a bit, just enough for him to see her face. Her frowned, while he quickly went over to her. “Oh no, you’re crying. That’s not good. No no no! Stop crying…” he spoke softly, trying to comfort her, sitting down on the ledge of her bed, waving her over to him with one hand, an offer she immediately followed. The girl moved over and sat down on his lap sideways, her legs still close to her own body, while the older one put an arm around her, his one hand holding her back, gently stroking her skin through her shirt with his thumb, while he smoothly messed up her hair, letting his fingers slide along the short, reddish strands.
Pushing himself away from the bricks, he clenched his teeth together, his whole body strained, his face showing the fight going on inside him. He slowly went over to the police box, limping, his left leg stiff, strained up, trying to fight against the waves of pain rolling through flesh and bones. Just a few meters, then he could open the door of his TARDIS, just a few more steps. But every second seemed to be longer than the second before, stretching the time, into minutes, hours, days, creating the impression of whole seasons passing by. His head raised up, his eyes just half shut he kept on walking, not even feeling the flakes of snow hitting his cheeks. Another step, with caused another wave of pain, going through his body, leaving aftershocks. Two steps, another wave, then suddenly a burning, sharp ache flashing in his chest. A stifled, cramped scream passed his lips, when his knees went weak underneath his body, and he broke down into the snow, his hands clenched into fists. His eyes closed in agony, he wanted to push himself back up, yet the slightest bit of tension in his shoulders, made him cry out even more, his voice getting lost in the night.
She buried her nose in the light blue shirt on his shoulder, while the fingers of her left hand dug into the fabric on the side of his body, near his waist. Her other warm was wrapped around him, her hand flat on his back. Her shoulders still jerking slightly, the girl held onto the Time Lord, pressing her body against his. The brown eyes of the Gallifreyan were filled with concern, when he looked down at the human woman, the earth girl, he adopted all this time ago. He had chosen her as his companion, to raise her up, and give her what she needed most: A family, who didn’t judge her, a father, who was always there for her. He had chosen to be her dad. And he was worried, worried very much, since the nightmares started to come to her. At first, just a few, but suddenly more and more, every night, every time she closed her eyes. Dreams full of fire, war and death. Dreams of the great Time War, which had been lost such a long time ago, thousands, millions of years before she had been born. His fingers gently moved through her red hair, while he looked down at her. “The nightmares again, my love?”, he asked softly, not really waiting for an answer, when he gently kissed her head, breathing in her scent for a moment, before he whispered: “What did you see, Cathy…?”
He slowly looked up, when a light appeared in the corner of his eye, just a few meters away. An Ood was standing there, the ball of light he spoke through, in his hand. “We will sing to you, Doctor.” it said in a calm, comforting tone. “The universe will sing you to your sleep.” The brunet raised up his head slowly, looking at the creature, his eyes slightly widened. But there was something inside of them, a part of him, which finally understood and accepted, what was going to come. The man kept looking at the Ood, when a soft melody hovered through the air, a song so familiar, and at the same moment so new, like he never heard that song before. It filled his ears, his mind and head with new energy, new strength to fight against the pain. Taking deep breaths, he slowly stood up, his eyes still focused onto the TARDIS, looking at the blue door. Just a few more steps. One…two…the pain was still there, but his focus was back on, he fought against the burning heat inside of him, wanting to achieve his aim. The Time Lord kept on walking, when the Ood took his ball into its hand again, its head slightly tilted to the right. The voice of the alien vibrated through the air. “This song is ending, but the story never ends.”
Cathy blinked slowly, when she heard the smooth sound of his voice, feeling his breath near the skin of her ear, the scent of him surrounding her, like a cushion she just could fall and cry into. Her eyes have turned red, and hurt, no longer able to shred tears. He was here, here with her. His hand slowly moved along the back of her head, gently messing up the hair, lightly scratching her nape. “The war again?” he muttered, his voice spoke of his concern. Her breath was shaking, when she slowly turned her head, turning onto her back on the man’s lap, while he was still holding her, one arm around her waist, the other on the back of her head. The remaining tears made her blue eyes look watery, similar to two little blue lakes, looking up into the mild brown of the Time Lord’s. “N-no…” she stuttered softly, her lip still slightly trembling. The Doctor moved his hand along her head, and placed his palm on her lower cheek, his fingers on her neck, while the thumb slowly moved along the skin of her cheek, brushing it softly. The short girl swallowed, when she looked up to him. A word left her lips, when she breathed out. “Snow…” The brunet looked at her, when he furrowed his brow for a moment. “Snow?” he repeated her word slowly, in a questioning manner. There has been no snow in the Time War. She must have seen something different, not the war this time. But it had to be something frightening, frightening enough to make her wake up, trembling in fear and after all they had been through, she wasn’t afraid of many things. “What else did you see?” His voice was still soft, but suddenly way tenser. Cathy looked up to him. “It was night…” The look in her eyes turned into an absent glance, while she looked up onto the ceiling. “You…you were there…in the streets…” Her lips moved slowly, as she spoke. “Stumbling…falling down…like…like something was torturing you…” The Time Lord sighed, when he bowed down his head, and kissed the forehead of the human girl. “It was just a normal dream…just a nightmare…” he softly breathed, the whiff brushing her skin. His daughter placed her hand on his cheek. “No…a normal dream doesn’t…doesn’t feel like…this…I-I felt the cold, I felt the wind…I swear…please Daddy…believe me…” The man blinked slowly, when he looked down to her. Her eyes have always been the window to her soul, and he saw that something was bothering her, something she was more afraid of, than all the other nightmares before. “I believe you”, he said softly, a serious, yet soft expression on his face. His thumb stroked over her cheek, while his other hand slightly grabbed into the back of the shirt she was wearing for the night. “Tell me…”, the Time Lord said gently. “What happened next?”
It was so close. His TARDIS. His home. Every step brought him closer to the old, blue telephone box. The walking made the pain more worse than ever, but with his teeth clenched together, he fought against the will of his body. Giving up, was not an option. Not anymore. His right hand slowly slid down into the pocket of his suit, his fingers slid along the cold metal of the key, before he pulled it out, his body still stiffed in agony. The Time Lord supported himself against the blue door with his free hand, while his other rose up the key and shove it into the lock. A slight turn to the right, a click. A soft press with his hand was enough to open the door. He slid in sideways, his hand still on the wood from the inside, when he closed it. A heavy, but silent breath left his lips, when he leaned against the left side of the gate, his eyes blinked slowly. He seemed tired, but over all, a sadness he’d never known before took a hold of his hearts, clenching around them like a fist. The man rose up his head, his eyes slowly moving from left to right, taking a deep, and intense look into his TARDIS. He would miss her. So much. The heat was banging in his chest, an unbearable sharp heat, burning him from the inside.
“We…you…you went into the T-TARDIS” she stuttered, her breath shaking uncontrollably, while her tears went down her cheeks and chin, running over the fingers of the Doctor, and into her own hair. The tender touch of her dad calmed her down, but the images in her head were too fresh and too genuine for a normal dream. The coldness of the street still sent shivers over her body. She could nearly see her own breath, surrounding her in little, transparent, white clouds, every time her breath left her lungs. “You opened the door…s-slowly…you looked…weak…tired and…exhausted…” Cathys eyelids fluttered, when she remembered the look in his eyes. “…afraid…” She looked back up to him, as her vision cleared, and the girl was able to see his real face again, the way her looked at her right now. His brown eyes were almost black in concern, but over all of this was still the tender- and calmness of a farther, trying to soothe his child. He moved his arm up under her back, helping her to sit up, resting her head against his shoulder, while his arm was still supporting her on her waist, the other hand slid down from her face, along her arm, down to her hand. “Just a bad dream, honey…” he whispered, his breath faintly getting caught at her neck, caressing her skin, while his thumb slowly slid over her knuckles, in an attempt to comfort her. “Just a bad dream…” he repeated.
Her body was still shaking, when she closed her eyes for a moment, the scenario flashing back into her mind, hitting her like a punch with a fist. “You clung yourself onto the railing…holding yourself up…all the way up t-to the console…” Her voice slowly calmed down, her breath still trembling from time to time, as she spoke. “You throw away your coat…onto the pillar…to the right…” A little smile was shown on her face, when she said it. “Never using the coat-stand…as always…” Her breath pattern sped up for a few seconds, but she fought down another crying fit. “Your hand…it…its starts to glow…shimmery…golden…” Her voice trailed off, and silence surrounded them both, as the Time Lord gently rocked his daughter in his arms. He knew what she was talking about, he knew what she was going to tell him. And he also understood, why she was so scared suddenly. The slow, shaken breath of her was the only thing audible in the twilight of the room, the light through the door seemed much more dimmed and less intense, than the time he went in. “You stagger over…” All of the sudden the whispered words sounded like a scream in the deep stillness, her breath loud enough to hush the meaning of them.
“Start the TARDIS…the look in your eyes…just like…like…it was the last time you’re going to see her fly…” Her body started to shake again. “You…you slowly walk around…you’re afraid…and sad…so so sad…” A little whimper escaped her throat, when the brunet buried his nose in her hair, pressing her body against his, showing her that he was there. “And you say something…” Her breath pattern starting to become unrhythmly, the whimper in her throat got stuck in the hard up and down of her chest. The man rested his forehead against hers, holding her tight, his brownish eyes staring deeply into her watery blue. Her hand moved up and her nails dug into the fabric of the shirt on his shoulder, while his hand was placed on her cheek again. Cathy held back her sobbing as good as she was able too, but she knew that she was about to lose herself again. “I don’t want to go”
The girl looked up to him, her lip was trembling again, her eyes had already turned red from crying, when another sob left her throat. Her eyes slid shut, when she buried her nose in the skin of the Time Lords neck and started to cry heavily, her whole body shaking, her hands clinging onto the Gallifreyan. The hand of the Doctor moved up into her hair, letting his fingers slide through the reddish strands, holding her, sharing his warmth with her. That was everything he could do. He promised to her, that he would never lie to her, even if they were going to die, he promised to stay honest. But sometimes, to say nothing is a bigger lie, then to say something which isn’t true.
He stayed quite, just sitting on the bed, the crying girl, his daughter, in his arms. The lights outside went out, and there was nothing more, then him, her and the dark. A cold, frightening darkness. In the TARDIS and in his hearts.
- Take flight:
Soundtrack: Take Flight
„D-Doctor?“, she stuttered, while she slowly turned around, her eyes moving fast to left and right in panic. Her hand touched something cold and slightly wet, almost a bit slimy, and a little screams went past her lips, when the girl immediately pulled back her hand, turning to her left, only to see, that she touched the bark of a tree, which was overgrown with moss, which soaked up the wetness of the rain earlier, making it all wet and slimy. She breathed out slowly, happy about that it wasn’t some kind of strange animal, or creature, but her body kept shaking in fear, when she slowly walked along the old path, overgrown by grass and full of muddy earth. How did she get here? Just a few moments ago, she set on the desk in the library of the TARDIS, studying for her next test in maths, but suddenly, she was here. The blue eyes of the girl moved along the leaves and trunks of the trees, which grew everywhere around her. The dark green of the frost was so much different, then where she used to play in the forest, when she was a little child. The whole atmosphere seemed colder, and…almost wicked. Like something, she didn’t know what precisely, was watching her every move. Millions of eyes set on her. A shiver ran down her spine, when she looked behind herself, checking. Did something follow her? Her senses were in alert, as she kept walking backwards, her head snapping to the left, when she suddenly heard a rustling in the leaves of a plant near the ground. Her heart almost stopped, as a small, doglike creature jumped out of the deep green, looking around. It looked a bit like a Jack Russell Terrier, a small dog she knew from earth, besides the fur was pure black. “O-oh…h-hello little one” The redhaired girl smiled to the creature, which turned its head to her, looking at her with surprisingly light blue eyes, curious, but apparently she was not interesting enough, cause it moved on to a small group of ferns, putting its nose into the leaves, sniffing on something. Cathy smiled a little, as she watched the little animal, when she started to frown. There was just one light source, the sun, shining down through the leaves, leaving little dots of light on the floor of the forest. But the little creature had two shadows. Where did the second shadow come from? All of the sudden, the animal stopped moving, the body strained, the ears laid back, the tail stuck between its legs. It looked afraid. But…of what? The creature stared at the girl, when it suddenly flinched heavily, stumbling over into the shadows, while it yelped and whimpered. The girl took a step back, her eyes fixed on the place, where the creature had disappeared into the shadows. A silence crawled along the forest; no other animal seemed to be there anymore, like all of them took flight. Slowly, the leaves next to her spread apart, a black snout showed up, sniffing softly, before the head followed. Cathy stepped back, her eyes widened. The eyes of the creature where pure black, as it looked at her, with an impression, far apart from before. It was animalistic, like a hunter looking at it’s pray. The earth girl slowly moved up her hands, starting to walk backwards. “Woh, e-easy little one…everything is fine…” she tried to calm down the creature, smiling to hide her insecureness and fear. The creatures movements were staggering, almost robot like movements. Cathy swallowed hard, when she heard more rustling from the forest around her, spotting fast movements in the shadows, and her feet started to move faster, speeding her up, when more of the creatures showed up on the path, which darkened in shadows, the more of them they came to her. The shadows seem to reach for her, while her blue eyes widened in fear. She was in danger, massive danger. She knew creatures like this existed, but only in shadows, not in a pure form. But she was quite sure, that it was what she thinks it is. “Vashta Nerada”, she whispered afraid. She stared at the creatures, when she suddenly heard the voice of her doctor in her head. ‘Run’ And she did. She turned round, and started to run. Her pulse sped up reaching a speed she never knew she was able to reach, while she heard the creatures behind her, rushing through the undergrowth, while Cathy ran as fast as she could. Since when Vashta Nerada used body’s to move and hunt?! But she was too afraid and terrified to think about this now. She needed to get out of there, or those things would eat her alive, and suddenly writing a math test sounded much better to her. ‘Doctor, where are you?’ Cathy almost felt the tears in her eyes, when she kept on running. She didn’t want this; she wanted to be home, in the TARDIS, safe, with her dad. But instead she was here, in an unknown forest, facing a deadly fear by Vashta Nerada, hunting her down a path, leading somewhere, God knows where. The Redhaired looked over her shoulder, panting heavily. The creatures were still behind her, but the Vashta Nerada seemed used to have bodies like this, so they were much slower, then the creatures actually could run. She had a chance. But, where should she go? The forest started to thin out as the earth girl kept running. Would the path lead her out of there? A slight spark of hope could be seen in her eyes, which turned into panic all the sudden, when she saw where the path leads her. A fast floating river crossed her way, the old bridge, connecting the two banks, had been destroyed; there was no way past it. Cathy didn’t stop, she just couldn’t. If she was fast enough, maybe he could jump over the water, maybe she could. Her throat hurt very much, but she speed up even more, when she came near the small cliff, the stream was rushing a few feet underneath it. She needed to believe in herself, she could do this. Her focus on the other bank, she ran closer to the edge, almost stepping over it, before she closed her eyes, and jumped. Her feet left the ground; suddenly everything in her vision seemed to slow down for a moment. The river underneath her flowed, the other bank slowly came closer to her feet, while the wind rushed through her hair, messing up the reddish strands, as Cathy opened her eyes, recognizing, that she was close to the impact, but not ready for the sudden hardness of the ground she could feel underneath her feet. She groaned, when a dull pain flashed up her leg from her foot, and she staggered as she got up, feeling the throbbing hurt in her flesh. “Shit” the young woman cursed, when she got up, looking behind herself. The creatures had stopped on the other bank, but she also saw that their shadows grew longer, while the bodies of the animals collapsed; there was no need for them anymore. Cathy gasped, starting to run again, but she felt the pain in her ankle in every step she did. The shadows would not give up on her. The running was a pain itself, her vision blurred, while her eyes kept shedding tears. She couldn’t hold this any longer. “Doctor, where are you?!?” she shouted in despair, knowing that he probably wouldn’t hear her. God, if that was her last few minutes…even more tears blurred her vision. She didn’t want to die like this. ‘Please…a miracle, this one time’ she begged in her mind, closing her eyes, as she concentrated on running. The shadows would be much faster now, without the heavy flesh to carry. Her shaky breath mixed with whimpering, as she kept on running. Suddenly her foot got stuck underneath a root, which was sticking up from the ground. That was it; that was her end, the final step. Her eyes squinted, the girl waited for the impact on the ground. But instead of cold earth, her face hid a warm, soft surface, while the rest of her body remained in the air for another moment, when strong arms wrapped themselves around her upper body. “I got you”, the Doctor huffed, as he caught her, helping her up. “Now run!” Without a second thought Cathy did as he told her, starting to run with every fast bit of her strength she had left. Suddenly the pain in her foot seemed to disappear; when she saw the familiar blue doors of the TARDIS appear in her sight. The young woman ran against the blue wood, which gave in her weight, letting her in. She ran up the ramp, up to the console, where she collapsed, with her eyes closed, panting heavily. Cathy could barely hear the doctor coming in and closing the door over her rushing pulse, she just felt how the TARDIS took off. She opened her eyes again, when she felt warmth on her back, as the Doctor pulled her on his lap sideways, she bent her legs slightly, and hissed, when she felt the hurt in her ankle again. “Shh…” the Doctor hushed her softly, gently rocking her in his arms, stroking over her hair. “It’s alright…I got you…you’re safe…” The girl looked up to her dad, her blue eyes filled with tears. The Time Lord kissed the side of her head. “You’re safe, my love…I promise…no more shadows…no more taking flight…”
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but, actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff 10th Doctor - "Blink"Tardis by Sircinnamon Library |
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Avatar von : Iwieselcheni - DeviantArt (Yoma - Offizielles WaCa Forum) Anzahl der Beiträge : 21 Anmeldedatum : 14.03.18 Alter : 24
Dein Krieger Charaktere: Clans: Ränge:
| Thema: Re: Kurzgeschichten aus der TARDIS Mi 14 März 2018, 22:52 | |
| Fandom: Doctor Who Beteiligte Charaktere: Der 10te Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness, Cathy Brown (OC) Ships: TenCat - Blue Christmas:
With motives from the Elvis Classic "Blue Christmas"
Cathy sighed, when she looked out the window. Snow was falling down, covering the street, even the little children were there, playing in the fresh snow. The lights were shining everywhere; this was almost a perfect Christmas. But she wasn’t happy. Her forehead rested against the cold glass of the window, she just set there in her room, staring outside, it must have been hours. Her mom came in a few times, but she didn’t even answer her question, she just kept staring. This Christmas was so messed up. No fun for her whatsoever. She missed him. Her doctor. He didn’t show up in weeks, since he brought her back home, not even a text, even if he promised her to get a phone. But he probably forgot it. Like always. Another sigh, mixed with a whimper left her lips when she looked outside again. No blue box. No TARDIS at all. “I’ll have a blue christmas without you…” The young woman mumbled, repeating the lyrics of the song playing in the background, on the radio. “I’ll be so blue, just thinking about you…” How fitting.
He pressed the tip of his tongue onto the back of his front teeth, while he held the sonic against a wire. “C’mon…” The light in front of him flickered, before it turned on. “Yes!” He threw the sonic up into the air, where it turned around, that he could catch it again, before he turned around himself. “Are you finished yet?” A growl came from behind the console, when a head came up, a glittering garland around his neck. “Does it look like it?” Jack asked, obviously slightly pissed. The doctor sighed a bit annoyed, when he went over, helping Jack to get away the garland, before walking over and placing it on the branches of the spruce. Then the doctor took a step away, looking at the tree, his hand sliding into his pockets. “And, what do you think? Decorations of red on a green christmas tree” The Time Lord looked over to the time traveller, who nodded slightly. “Looks very…christmassy…but…what is all of that for?” The blue eyed man looked over to the doctor. “I thought you hate Christmas” – “I don’t hate it!” The doctor narrowed his eyes, seeming a bit offended. “It just…brings a lot of trouble…but not this year!” The Time Lord grinned, as he spun around, pressing some buttons on the console. “Off to earth!”
She wrapped a scarf around her neck, slipping her feet into her boots, while her family was in the living room, talking and laughing. Cathy had excused herself, and was about to catch some fresh air. This was just too much of Christmas silliness. The redhaired opened the door, taking a step outside, taking a deep breath from the cold, fresh air of the night, while the door shut behind her. A shiver ran down her body, when she felt the cold surrounding her, then she walked down the street. Nobody was outside, besides a man walking his dog. She sighed deeply, when she suddenly stopped. Her eyes where fixed onto a street light near her. Directly underneath it stood a man, his hands in his pockets, a grin on his face. The dark brown strands were moving in the wind slightly, the dark red of his sneakers was almost shining in the light. Cathy felt how her eyes filled with tears. Without hesitation the girl started to run, not slowing down when she was near him, almost knocking him over, as she wrapped her arms around the neck of the Time Lord, burying her nose in his shoulder. “You came…” – “Of course I did…Won’t be the same dear, if you’re not here with me…”
The doctor took a deep breath, his nose buried in the hair of the girl, his daughter. If she just would know how much she meant to him. He inhaled her scent deeply, filling his lungs with it, while his two hearts started to beat faster, when he felt her warmth next to him. He missed her so much, and he just knew that she missed him just as much. He could feel how her pulse sped up in happiness, when she hugged him, and when he pulled away his head to look at her, her eyes told just the same. His lips showed a wide grin, as he looked down at her. “Merry Christmas, my dear Cathy” he whispered, the response was just a happy giggle, before she rested her head against his neck. The doctor felt her fingers on his back head, gently messing up his hair, and couldn’t hold back a little sigh of enjoyment. “You cannot imagine how much I missed you…especially when those blue snowflakes start falling…” He felt her hot breath on his skin, when she spoke and he smirked. “Oh, I think I can…that’s when those blue memories start calling…” The gallifreyan kissed the side of her head; he knew that feeling too well. Cathy purred softly like a kitten, when she felt it, and it almost made him pick her up and carry her over to the TARDIS, but they weren’t alone.
The girl looked up, when she heard someone clearing his throat. Jack was standing a few feet away, leaning against the wall of a house, grinning widely. “Hey kitten” Cathy looked at the doctor one more time, then she let go of him and went over to Jack, who placed his hands on her shoulders, looking her up and down. “Oh my, look at you! You’re a little lady now” the time traveller stated and Cathy blushed. She hadn’t seen Jack in a long while, actually she hadn’t seen him for years, at least to her it had been years, time travel was a weird thing, but apparently it had been a while for him too. Jack looked over to the doctor, with a look in his eyes Cathy couldn’t quite tell. The doctor spun around and hurried over to them. “We’ve got a surprise for you…close your eyes” The girl blinked surprised, but did like he told her. She felt how he took her hand, pulling her with him. She felt the cold wind in her face, which went warmer, when they went inside the TARDIS. “Alright…now, open your eyes!” the doctor exclaimed loudly, and Cathy opened her eyes, looking into the fully decorated TARDIS.
The Time Lord grinned even wider, when he saw in her eyes how flashed Cathy was about the inside of the TARDIS, which had been decorated with everything he and Jack were able to find in the archives. Her eyes were sparkling when she turned around to him, suddenly hesitating, when she realized what he was wearing. “Are we going somewhere special?” Cathy asked, looking at his black suit with the fitting bowtie, as she went over, slightly adjusting his bowtie, making the doctor blush lightly, even when he was trying to hide it. He felt her glance, and looked aside, recognizing in the corner of his eyes how she fixed something with hers, which was right behind him. “Doctor, you want to tell me something?” The Time Lord swallowed hard. “U-uhm, no…” He turned around, seeing mistletoe hanging over the door of the TARDIS. The Time Lord frowned. “That wasn’t me…” The he suddenly understood “Jack Harkness!” the doctor snarled, but Jack had already left the TARDIS. The gallifreyan looked at his daughter, Cathy nodded, then they both ran outside. “Where are you?!” he yelled, looking around, while Cathy beside him was forming snow balls, when suddenly another one of hit her back head. The doctor turned around grinning. There he was. That meant war.
Cathy felt the cold snow running down her back and hissed slightly, when she saw the doctor picking up a snowball, throwing it at Jack, who slipped aside, and the snow missed him. “Missed!” The doctor growled playfully, picking up more snowballs, while he was looking at her. “C’mon, let’s go and teach him a lesson! Allons-y!” The girl grinned widely, when she followed him, picking up some snow, forming a ball, trying to hit Jack, who was running from them, hiding not to get hit. He was faster than her, but not faster than the doctor. When Jack ran around the corner of a house, her dad gestured her to go the other way round, that they could catch him when he was running around the corner. Cathy nodded, before she went the other way, waiting for Jack to appear. A few moments later she heard footsteps approaching. The young woman looked up, and saw Jack, followed by the doctor, who was running right over to her. She reached out her hand to catch him, but instead of letting her catch him, Jack grabbed her arm, and pulled her with him. She gasped surprised. “Doctor!” she called for the Time Lord, when Jack took her with him, until they reached the TARDIS, where the time traveller stopped.
When he heard her calling his name, the doctor sped up once more, running around the corner, panting slightly. He looked around and saw Jack standing in front of the TARDIS. “She is inside” Jack said, looking at the doctor. “Go in and tell her” The gallifreyan closed his eyes for a moment, running his hand through his hair. “You know I can’t” – “Yes, you can” The time traveller gave the doctor an intense look, before opening the door to the TARDIS, gently pushing the doctor in, before he followed. The doctor waited at the door, when Jack went up the ramp, gently taking Cathy’s hand, leading her down and stopping her next to the doctor, before he made an opening gesture with his hands, stepping back. The doctor looked down for a moment biting his tongue, digging his hands into his pockets, something he was used to do, while his left foot moved over the ground nervously. “Cathy…I…need to tell you something…” He finally started. The redhaired in front of him blinked. “Yes dad?” He scratched the back of his head nervously, fighting down a blush.
“Cathy, I adopted you, when no one was there for you and I treated you like my own flesh and blood. But…after what had happened between us in the past few months…what we have feels…wrong…” He looked over at Jack, who was grinning widely, gesturing him go on. The Doctor looked back at Cathy, blushing a bit. “What I want to say, what I’m trying to say is, uhm…is that…I feel a love for you, which is more, then, just a love from a farther to his daughter… “ Cathy looked at him, feeling her heart beating faster with every word he said. She knew what he was going to tell her, and she had waited for this moment so long, since their first kiss on accident, which had been followed by more, and time after time they just stopped to happen on accident. They happened, because they wanted them to happen. What they had now was so much different, than what they had started out with. And he was just about to admit it. She looked up at him, when she suddenly felt how he to her hand into his, pulling it up slightly, before kissing it gently, making her blush bright red. Never before someone gave her a hand kiss. “I love you Cathy, but not like a dad. I love you like a lover, like a man loves a woman” The doctor looked into her eyes, his lips showing a tender smile, when she all of the sudden pulled at his hand, pulling him in, that their lips crashed together. At first the doctor looked surprised and shocked, before he relaxed, giving into the kiss, while Cathy entangled her fingers with his hair, gently messing it up. “I love you too…”, she whispered against his lips, before they continued to kiss tenderly. Maybe other were doin all right, with their christmas of white, but all they needed was a blue, blue, blue christmas Fandom: Doctor Who Beteiligte Charaktere: Der 11te Doctor, Cathy Brown (OC) Ships: ElevenCat (indirekt, da Vater-Tochter-Beziehung) - The New Doctor:
Story includes spoilers from season 5, episode 1 "The Eleventh Hour"
“Not for much longer if I can't get her stabilised. Five minute hop into the future should do it.” The doctor clamed, running around the TARDIS, throwing a rope through the opened door, before walking around and fixing the rope on the side of the blue box, while little Amelia was watching him. “Can I come?” she spoke up to the Time Lord, who was still messing with the rope. “Not safe in here. Not yet. Five minutes. Give me five minutes, I'll be right back.” While he was talking, he jumped up, and set down on the edge of the door, looking down into his TARDIS. “People always say that” The doctor looked around, his eyes fixed at little Amelia, when he turned around and jumped off the edge, going over and stopping in front of her, bending down slightly with his upper body, supporting himself with his hand on his thighs. “Am I people?” he asked her softly, even slightly curious. “Do I even look like people?” He was actually curious, because he didn’t know what he looked like. “Trust me. I’m the doctor” The Time Lord gave the little girl a tender smile, before he stepped back, climbing back up to the door of the TARDIS, while grabbing the end of the rope, with one hand. Then he turns his glance to the little redhead once more. She reminded him of something, but he wasn’t quite sure what she did remind him of. That little smile of hers. It was somewhere in the corner of his mind, but not close enough to reach it. So he just smiled back, grabbed the rope and jumped down into the TARDIS, but not without yelling his new favourite word. “GEROMINO!” The Doctor fell down all the way into the library, but managed it to pull the leaver and start the engines of the time machine, before he dropped down into the swimming pool, getting soaked wet all over again. But he clung onto the rope, pulling himself back up. He needed to stabilize the TARDIS, bring her into horizontal position, that he could walk properly again. “Come on…” he growled when the Doctor pulled himself back up the rope, up to the console, while taking the sonic screwdriver between his teeth, before pointing the device to the console, and suddenly the whole space turned in an ninety degree angle, back into horizontal. The brown haired man landed hard on the gridded floor, groaning in pain, because the hard floor hit his nose. But not a second later, he looked up. The engines of the TARDIS had stopped. There was still the whole chaos inside, flames and smoke, but the engines were silent. The Time Lord stood up, slowly turning his head, looking around. “What is it…why did you stop…” He couldn’t believe that he was already there, he calibrated nothing, no time, no place. Slowly the man made his way over to the door, opening it, and slowly peeking out. It was sunrise or sundown, the sky was bright red and orange, the light reflected by the windows of the houses around him. The Doctor stepped out. Where on earth was he? Cause he was one hundred percent sure, that this was earth. His eyes slowly wandered around the houses. They seemed strangely familiar to him. “Excuse me, can I help you sir?” The man with the messed up, soaked wet clothing turned around to a boy, with dark blonde hair, and blue eyes, who had a bunch of newspapers clamped under his arm. “Not really I’m quite…” The doctor suddenly flinched, before he shook his head. The boy took back a step. The Time Lord looked at him again. “Where am I?” The boy frowned. “How can you not know?” – “Just answer the question, ok?” The doctor kept looking around. “Fisher Street, outside of London” The Time Lord frowned. ‘Fisher Street’ That name rang a bell, but he didn’t knew in which context. “Which year? Date! I need a date!” The boy looked at him confused. “2017. February the 26th, Sir” The doctor stared at him at a moment, then back up. “2017…2017, 2017! Fisher Street, London, 2017!” The Time Lord facepalmed himself. Of course! “Do you know a Cathy Scott, living here?” His eyes showed new interest, while the boy didn’t look very amused about it. “That’s my sister” Suddenly the doctors expression fell, and he looked at the boy with slight disgust. He knew that Cathy didn’t like her brother very much, and he also knew why. “Is your sister at home?” – “Of course she is. Its winter break, she never leaves the house then. Or on any other point…” The time traveller just rolled his eyes, and left, the boy still standing there. That’s what Amelia reminded him of! His daughter, his lovely earth girl, he didn’t see in ages! He knew exactly where her room was, and knocked at the window, just like every time before. Three times, two fast, and then a longer one. Then he waited. He heard steps, then the blinds were opened, and there she was. A few months older, but still the same redheaded girl. The doctor grinned widely at the girl, who looked still tired and very confused. She opened the window, but looked very suspicious. “Who are you?” Cathy asked her voice still raspy from the sleep. “It’s me, my love! The Doctor!” The girl frowned and looked at the man up and down. She remembered the tie, the shirt, even the trousers were the same, but, the face…”I’ve never seen you before. Where is the real doctor?” – “I am the real doctor! Uhm…see?” The pulled the sonic from his pocket. “Sonic Screwdriver!” He grinned at her, but Cathy didn’t look like she believed him. “Everyone could have a sonic.” She narrowed her eyes. “Tell me something only the real doctor could know” The doctor breathed out and ran his hand through his hair, releasing some leftover regeneration energy, which went up into the air, like golden dust. “Your hair is…sparkly” Cathy noted confused. “Sparkly? Oh yes, I’m still a bit…you know, fresh regenerated, and I’m still…cooking” – “Regenerated?” The girl looked at him for a moment, the said “Explain time to me” Now the Time Lord looked confused. “Well…uhm…people mostly assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly…” Suddenly her hand hit his face, and a loud smack was heard. “Where have you been?!” The doctor held his cheek, looking up to her in shock. “You slapped me! You just slapped me!” – “Yeah, cause you deserve it! Nine months!” Cathy hissed, before she leaned over, and wrapped her arms around the Time Lords neck, hugging him closely. “I missed you, daddy…” He sighed, and placed his arms around her waist, pulling her down from the window sill, that she could stand on the grass properly. “I missed you too, kitten…” He mumbled, and gently kissed her head. Cathy looked up to him. “When did you…” – “A few hours ago…that’s why I’m still…sparkly” She chuckled lightly, before she looked up to him. “Look at you…” The doctor looked down on her. “How do I look?” Cathy rose up her hand, gently placed it on the side of his face, slightly turning his head to look at him. “Hm…you look…different…not the bad way, but…different…” The doctor smiled lightly at her. “Not a bad new face then?” She chuckled. “No, definitely a nice new face” The Time Lord grinned, before he picked her up and set her on the window sill again, from which Cathy jumped down into her room, followed by the doctor. “We’re going to have so much fun!” she cheered, while she started to pack up her bag with clothes and other things. “No, no, no, wait” The brown haired Time Lord went over to her quickly, and grabbed her hands by her wrists. “You can’t come with me” Cathy looked at him surprised, which quickly turned in disappointment. “Why not?!” – “It’s too dangerous” – “You never cared about that!” – “But I do now!” the doctor said, a bit louder as he actually wanted to say it. His greenish eyes looked into her blue ones, showing his concern. “The TARDIS is damaged; smoke and fire everywhere. It’s like hell in there. I need to fix it, before anything else can happen. Also, I have another mystery to solve” Cathy looked up to him, begging with the look in her eyes. “Let me help” The Doctor hissed slightly. “Argh, but I don’t know how” – “Just tell me. And I’ll try my best” He stared at her one more second, before he took a deep breath. “A girl called Amelia Pond has a crack in her wall, but the crack isn’t in the wall, it’s in space and time. And behind that crack is a prison, and Prisoner Zero is escaped, and his guard is looking for him. But why would the guard tell us, that Prisoner Zero is gone? He needed to escape through the house, but then we would have seen it! It just doesn’t make sense!” While he was talking, his skin started to glow again in a warm gold, and his hair sparkled again. “Whoa, calm down Doctor” His daughter tried to calm him down. “Let’s think properly about it…” She closed her eyes for a moment. “If I was a guard, and someone would escape from my prison, then I would send someone to look for him, because I don’t know where the person went.” The doctor nodded, starting to walk around in the room, while thinking about it. “So why would I tell another person to look for the prisoner unless…” He suddenly stopped, and looked around to Cathy, who looked up to him. “…the prisoner hasn’t gone very far.” She finished his sentence. He doctor slapped his forehead. “Prisoner Zero is still in Amelia’s house!” he exclaimed, and rushed over to his daughter, helping her to get up, before planting a kiss on her forehead. “You are brilliant!” he growled, before he turned around to leave, grabbing a red and white scarf, as he passed by. On the window sill, he turned around to the redhead, waving the scarf in his hand. “Smoke, remember?” he said, grinning widely at her, before he jumped out of the window into the grass, running back, passing the street over to his TARDIS. “Doctor!” Cathy yelled, and climbed out of the window, ready to follow him, but when she reached the road; the blue box was already powering up, and disappeared into nothing. The Doctor covered his mouth with the cloth of the scarf, while he stirred the TARDIS back to its original location, at least he hoped he would land there, cause the smoke made it hard to see, what the instruments where showing. As soon as he landed, he tripped out of the blue box, looking around, to clear his vision and to make sure, that he was at the right place this time. Trees, birds, a garden. Very good. But…where was the little Scottish girl? “Amelia!” he called, before he started to run over to the house. He needed to find Prisoner Zero, before Amelia got hurt! “Amelia, I worked out what it was. I know what I was missing! You've got to get out of there!” He tried to open the front door with his sonic screwdriver, but the devise didn’t work to well, so it took him a few trys to open the door. “Amelia?” he kept calling, as he ran upstairs. “Amelia, are you all right? Are you there?” He pointed the sonic on the door left to the stairs, scanning it, before looking at the sonic screwdriver. “Prisoner Zero's here. Prisoner Zero is here! Prisoner Zero is here! Do you understand me? Prisoner Zero is…” Suddenly steps behind him. The doctor turned around. Something hard hit the back of his head. Darkness.
______________________________ Das ist vorerst alles, was ich zu bieten habe (: Ich freue mich sehr auf eure Meinungen und natürlich auch auf Kritik, sowie Anregungen und Ideen für neue Geschichten ^_^ Allons-y! ValleyDoppelpost genehmigt von Finsterkralle Dankeschön <3 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but, actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff 10th Doctor - "Blink"Tardis by Sircinnamon Library |
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